Friday, February 23, 2018

Terkenang kisah lalu

Bila dikenang kembali zaman belajar medical..Allahu memang nak menangis lalu..tiada yang mampu memahami melainkan yang melalui..
Exam kami banyak sangat..bukan macam course lain..setiap berapa minggu ade test..sampai kak ipar kata..setiap kali jumpa ima mesti dah nak exam..
Setiap kali keluar dewan..mesti ada perasaan 'apa la aku jawab tadi'..ya Allah..mana tak nya..pilihan jawapan semua betul..tinggal pilih mana yang paling tepat..keluar dewan..muka masing2 kononya senyum tapi fikiran bercelaru..makan pun tak lalu..apa yg blh dibuat..kita doa ja la..bila fail lagila nangis sampai bengkak mata..rupanya Allah nak didik supaya sabar..Allah nak didik sangka baik dengan Allah
Kalau exam clinical..lagilah..tak tau sape pemeriksa..sape pesakit..sakit apa..di beri masa yang singkat untuk diagnose lalu bentangkan terus dekat Dr segala macam yang di jumpa dan cara nak merawat..waktu ni kita tak tau..examiner bagi lulus tak..examiner lagi satu beri markah macam mana pulak..
Tapi segala yang dirasa pahit rupanya nak ajar kemanisan..kami belajar untuk bergantung sungguh2 pada Allah..takde sape boleh tolong kami melainkan Allah..ini lah antara kenikmatan yang kami peroleh..terima kasih Allah

Saturday, February 17, 2018


I had graduated with MD last July and convo  last Nov..

Till today, it feels like a dream..even me myself surprised how could I passed.. Indeed, its Allah's plan..

Too many things happened during my final year.. Some were happy moments and some actually regrettable moments..

After I have done with my study..I used my holiday by becoming a student in one of madrasah in terengganu..I studied there only for 5 months.. I love my younger sisters much even sometimes some of them are a bit annoying huhuh..

Hmm.. and now after few months I have stopped.. I got some bad news where a few of them planned to quit and transfer to another school.. I know my dream to visit them one day.. to see all of them still together under one roof already impossible.. but I still hold my dream to give each of them a gift that is useful to them and all of us having the same things which signifying our friendship..

Friday, August 12, 2016

Assalamualaikum and hi

At the end of june until july 22nd, i'm having practical for elective posting
Alhamdulillah gratefully Allah make me passed for all end posting exam in 4th year

On first day of having an intro for that hosp n specifically for department i'm involved in, we need to use punchcard as our attendance (maybe?)..  Seriously,  i felt like 'wow,  would they check this at the end of the posting? Does it mean we can not going back early?  Wuhuu

On the next day, we started follows ward round every day and having chances to examine the patient.  The specialist n mo's kept on asking questions like doing a short case. In addition,  they were not only tought us about their specialty,  they also stressed on general medical knowledge as case seen in the ward usually patients with other co-morbidities.

We mostly spent our times in the clinic as this department is specific department. No ho's and only MO's.. So its full with observe procedures and sometimes assist when needed.. The most memorable part were times where we need to hold kids.. Either to remove foreign bodies or i&d..

Besides,  we also went to OT3 every tuesday to observe surgery. We learnt much here compared to hs.. We were able to observe the operation very near to the surgeon and they also tought us at the same time about the operation that was going on.   Furthermore, they also taught us about utensils in the ot room,  why using cotton with ray one and difference between mono and bipolar diathermy.

Doctors and other staff seriously kind and cheerful. They are full with laughters and smile.  They love to share knowledges. Even we usually not answered correctly,  they give us time to find for the answer.  We're not only answering by presenting, sometimes they asked us to draw it. Hence, unintentionally they actually tought us to learn by drawing as it may strengthen our memories.

Last but not least, from bottom of my heart,  i thanks Allah for giving me chance to know them. I really miss them and hoping to meet them in the future. I hope my team would be like them.. In sha Allah

Saturday, April 23, 2016

I don't know y

We always afraid of doctors mad with us
When work given
Some saids..
Whatever we did
We still can't satisfied them
There will always mistake that'll be shouts out

I used to think like that before
But.. Until when?

Sampai bila nk sangka buruk?

Sudah2 la.. Walau mcm mne pon..
They still our lecturers
Berkat pon pada mereka
Sampai bila nk mcm ni
sampai bilaaaaaaaa

Monday, January 4, 2016



Apa khabar iman?

Sekarang aku dah posting kedua 4th year Alhamdulillah!

So nk ckp 4th year ni aku kurang sikit bab kutip merit untuk duduk k17 ni

Nak dijadikan cerita..program recycle dah dekat

Aku yang ketandusan merit ni perlulah usaha kan

AJK aku tak jadikkk...hari tu sukol aku tarik diri..tapi bersebab..sebabnya aku nak pergi majlis ilmu..apa guna aku dapat merit tapi tak dapat masuk taman syurgaa..

Allah..terima kasih pilih hamba yang hina ini menjadi tetamu Mu..

So aku fikir punya fikir..macam mana nk dapat merit lebih sikit...barang aku sikit sangat..

Dan akhirnya....aku pergilah ke tong sampah tong sampah untuk mencari tin dan botol..

Apa aku rasa?

Mula2 aku rasa malu...aku tak nak kawan2 aku nampak..aku taknak sesape nampak!

Dan mulalah lah aku terasa...

Betapa sombongnya aku...
Kau bukan buat maksiat!
Kau bukan buat benda haram!
Ape kau pandang selama ni?

Aku mula tegur rakan2 ku bila aku terlihat mereka..
Aku taknak jadi orang yang sombong
Aku mula faham perasaan2 orang yang cari barang recycle dalam tong sampah

Terima kasih Allah
Beri aku pelajaran

Moga perkara ini menjadi asbab dosaku diampuni
Moga perkara ini menjadi asbab hatiku dibersihkan
Moga perkara ini menjadi asbab aku menjadi hamba yang tawadhuk

In sha Allah!


Saturday, April 25, 2015

lup dup lup dup


Lup dup lup dup
My heartbeat sounds good

Sometimes i got palpitation
Just because of unknown reason

Why i should think all this kind of things that don't have benefits

Be focus please..

You need to be ready

You must facing it...

Although sometimes you felt inferior
Just kept in mind
Allah knows the best

You read and read
About awliya
Their tests more tougher than you

Bear in mind
Don't think to much about others opinions on you
But do think much..who are akhirah...

You can *******
You can!

In sha Allah

Pergilah kau kerisauan....
Kerisauanku hanya untuk agama
Pergilah kau kesedihan....
Kesedihanku hanya untuk agama
Datanglah kau keyakinan....
Kerna kau datang dari agama
Datanglah kau keikhlasan....
Kerna kau juga dari agama

Tenggelamkanlah kesahalanku
Kerna rahmatMu lebih luas
Terimalah diriku yang busuk dan kotor ini
Kerna kasih sayangMu sungguh meluas
Berilahku peluang berjumpa kekasihMu
Berilahku kesempatan melihatMu di akhirat kelak

Aamiin ya Rabbal A'lamin

Monday, April 20, 2015

jawapan bijak pandai


Bila ditanya..
Bagaimana ingatan kau begitu hebat?
Muhammad bin Idris menjawab...
(Btw, tau tak sape?.. Itulah imam Syafie)
Isinya seakan-akan seperti ini

Antaranya ialah:

Jaga pandanganmu daripada maksiat
Ilmu itu cahaya..ia tak masuk ke dalam hati yang kotorrr

Rasa tamak..
Iaitu mencari ilmu dengan bersungguh-sungguh

Hormati guru


Kalau mahu menjadi pokok
Bersedialah menghadapi angin
Kalau tak mahu menghadapi angin
Jadilah kau lalang di bawah
Yang dipijak-pijak

Okeh semangat! In sha Allah